ucap rules

UCAP General Rules

This list is an overview to help you ensure you arrive at any of our sites ready and able to comply with our rules. These are strictly enforced and by purchasing tickets you have agreed and acknowledged them by ticking a box at point of sale.

  • Box/Drum Magazines to be used only on recognised support weapons exclusively at GreenOps.

  • Pistols 50 round limit.

  • All our sites with the exception of Green Ops are Semi Auto only with a maximum bb weight of .32g.

  • We do not allow the use of binary triggers, releasing another round when pressure is taken off trigger.

  • A maximum of 3 bb’s released on single pull of trigger on semi-auto shotguns.

  • We do not allow the use of two tone/transparent BB guns even if they are covered up/concealed or painted. Realistic Imitation Firearms (RIFS) only.

  • CO2 weapons and HPA are fine to use as long as they pass chronograph and have a tamper proof lock on its air source.

  • Only the magazine that was designed for the platform you are using to be used. E.G no m4 mag adapters on pistols or mp5 9mm magazines on an mp7. No exceptions.

  • We do not offer HPA refills


All players must be 18 years old or above, unless accompanied by an adult (over 18) who will take responsibility for their actions. The minimum age is 12. We require an adult to child ratio of 1:1 for those aged aged 12-14 and 1:2 for players aged 15-17. 

You will be given a site specific briefing with full safety brief and rule clarification before ALL games at ALL sites

All sites have un-even surfaces, trip and fall hazards and suitable sturdy footwear which offer ankle support is to be worn at all times. Trainers are not suitable.


Safety rated eye protection must be worn at all times outside of the safe zone.

We strongly recommend full face protection, exposed face at your own risk.

Head protection is strongly advised as it offers some protection in the event of a trip or fall. At your risk if you don’t follow our advice.

Long trousers must be worn to prevent injury.

All RIF’s will be checked to ensure they are UNDER our site limits using OUR chronographs.

Pistols and Rifles under 1.14J (350fps on a 0.20g bb)

Snipers under 2.32J (500fps on a 0.20g bb)

DMR locked to semi under 1.64J (420fps on an 0.20g bb)

All weapons will be checked on the mass of ammo that you will use for the game day.

Sniper rifles and DMR can only be used at GreenOps and these have a minimum engagement distance rule.

Any weapon to be found running hotter will not be allowed to be used. Players found using a hot weapon not checked by UCAP or that has cheated the chronograph will be removed from site. Due to the C.Q.B nature of the games we play, we take a very serious stance on hot weapons. We will be checking all guns and undertaking random spot checks for your safety.

Weapons must be cleared and mags removed before entering the safe zone. No firing in the safe-zone, even dry.

Nothing louder than a 9mm or MK5 (FBS, Enola Gaye etc) can be used and take care how you throw them. Players are not to retrieve BFG’s until end of game or area is captured, it is MANDATORY that any item deployed in the field is clearly and PERMANENTLY  marked with your contact details. Smokes are to be used GREENOPS only. No French bangers, crow scares, homemade or anything over 120db can be used. No TAG products.

Red lasers only

Although we don’t mind a bit of adrenalin fueled aggressive shouting, we draw the line at fighting and verbal abuse. Cheat calling is expressly forbidden, seek a Marshal if you have an issue with another player.

Other Stuff:

Whilst on the site you agree to being photographed, video recorded. These images may be published and distributed via the internet or in any other medium for promotional purposes.

Marshals’ decisions are final and are based on safety and good intent.

If you are unclear on any of these rules, or you have any questions about them, just ask one of our friendly, experienced marshaling staff.

Please put safety above any game constraints. If you or the marshals would see what you are doing as dangerous, then simply don’t do it.

Safety and security will always take precedence over gaming.

We reserve the right to seek recompense for deliberate damage out of game play.